By measuring these KPIs, IADMAP can comprehensively assess its performance, impact and growth across various aspects of its operations. Each KPI serves as a valuable metric contributing to the organization’s strategic planning and continuous improvement.

I. Community Expansion
  1. Number of new members joining IADMAP in various membership categories.

This KPI measures the growth of IADMAP’s community by tracking the number of new members joining the organization. It includes students, professionals, corporate entities, training centers, honorary members etc. Monitoring this number over time indicates the organization’s appeal and reach within its target audience.

II. Training and Development:
  1. Percentage of members participating in organized training programs and workshops.
  2. Number of scholarships awarded to meritorious students.
  3. Number of individuals who completed the four-year training program, internships and became members.

These KPIs assess the effectiveness of IADMAP’s training initiatives. The first KPI measures member engagement in training programs. The second KPI tracks the support provided to students, encouraging skill development through scholarships. The third KPI monitors the successful progression of students from training to becoming full-fledged members, showcasing the program’s impact and value.

III. Awareness and Education
  1. Number of students participating in awareness campaigns and skill development workshops.
  2. Number of educational institutions incorporating digital art and design into their curriculum with support from IADMAP.
  3. These KPIs focus on raising awareness about digital art careers.

The 5thKPI tracks student involvement in IADMAP’s awareness initiatives, indicating the organization’s educational outreach. The 6th KPI measures IADMAP’s influence on academic institutions, emphasizing the integration of digital art into mainstream education.

IV. Recognition and Affiliation
  1. Number of practitioners, professionals, businesses, and organizations gaining recognition or affiliation with IADMAP.
  2. Number of collaborations through MOUs signed with global academic institutions and universities.

These KPIs showcase IADMAP’s credibility and influence within the industry. The first KPI highlights the organization’s ability to attract professionals and businesses, indicating its reputation. The second KPI measures IADMAP’s global reach through collaborations, emphasizing its international network.

V. Member Engagement
  1. Percentage of members actively participating in events, exhibitions, seminars, workshops and tours.
  2. Number of social projects undertaken by IADMAP members for community contribution.

These KPIs gauge member involvement in IADMAP activities. The first KPI measures active participation, reflecting the vibrancy of IADMAP events. The second KPI assesses community impact, emphasizing social responsibility and contribution.

VI. Publication and Media Presence
  1. Number of publications featuring IADMAP members work.
  2. Popularity and reach of IADMAP on web and social media platforms.

These KPIs focus on IADMAP’s visibility and influence in the media. The first KPI measures the frequency of IADMAP members’ work in publications, showcasing their recognition. The second KPI assesses IADMAP’s online presence, indicating its digital outreach and audience engagement.

VII. Professional Growth
  1. Number of members engaged in personal and professional development programs provided by global leading organizations.
  2. Level of alignment of members with IADMAP’s vision, mission, objectives, quality policy and professional ethics.

These KPIs assess members’ continuous development and alignment with IADMAP’s values. The first KPI tracks participation in external programs, indicating members’ commitment to ongoing learning. The second KPI measures alignment, emphasizing adherence to IADMAP’s standards and principles.

VIII. Organizational Structure Enhancement
  1. Progress in enhancing the organizational structure based on member participation, achievements, and experience.
  2. Number of collaborative projects initiated through global academic partnerships.

These KPIs evaluate IADMAP’s internal growth and external collaborations. The first KPI measures organizational development, emphasizing the incorporation of member expertise. The second KPI assesses global partnerships, showcasing IADMAP’s collaborative efforts in expanding its initiatives.

IX. Recognition and Awards
  1. Number of awards received by IADMAP members at national and international levels.
  2. Number of events, trade fairs, exhibitions, and award ceremonies conducted or participated in by IADMAP.

These KPIs highlight member achievements and IADMAP’s presence in industry events. The first KPI reflects member excellence, indicating the quality of IADMAP professionals. The second KPI measures event participation, showcasing IADMAP’s industry involvement and influence.

X. Affiliated Businesses Growth
  1. Percentage increase in turnover of affiliated businesses.
  2. Number of new projects initiated by affiliated businesses.
  3. Percentage expansion in the customer base of affiliated businesses.

These KPIs assess the impact of IADMAP’s association on affiliated businesses. The first KPI measures financial growth, indicating the benefit to these businesses. The second KPI reflects new project opportunities, showcasing expanded business activities. The third KPI assesses customer base growth, indicating increased market reach.

XI. Social Contribution and Awareness Projects
  1. Number of social awareness projects initiated by IADMAP members.
  2. Impact assessment of social contribution projects, measured by reach and awareness created.

These KPIs emphasize IADMAP’s social responsibility. The first KPI tracks the number of community projects, reflecting IADMAP members’ dedication to social causes. The second KPI measures the impact of these projects, emphasizing the awareness and positive change created in society.