Frequently Asked Questions

Here, we address key inquiries related to our organization, community, training program and certification. Our FAQ page serves as your go-to resource for quick and insightful answers. Here, we’ve meticulously crafted an impactful and comprehensive resource to address the most common queries from students, customers, clients, and affiliates.


What distinguishes IADMAP's training programs from other educational institutions in the field of digital media?

IADMAP stands out by offering practical, industry-focused, and non-accredited training programs that prioritize the development of skills required for entry-level positions in the digital media landscape. The emphasis on real-world applicability and the provision of certificates as a testament to completion are hallmarks of its approach. The distinction of IADMAP's training programs from other educational institutions in the field of digital media lies in several key aspects:

  1. Skill-based and Industry-Relevant Training: IADMAP's programs are tailored to meet the demands of the rapidly evolving digital media industry. They focus on imparting practical, up-to-date skills aligned with the current market trends and technological advancements.
  2. Work Requirement Alignment: The training is specifically designed to fulfil the actual work requirements in the industry. This ensures that participants are equipped with the practical skills needed to excel in entry-level employment or advance their careers.
  3. Non-Formal and Non-Accredited Education: Unlike formal educational institutions, IADMAP's approach is non-formal and doesn't offer accredited degrees or diplomas. Instead, it provides certificates attesting to the participants' completion of the training programs.
  4. Supported by Industry Experts: The training is supported by individuals who possess deep insight and passion for the technologies associated with the field of digital media. This expertise ensures that the training remains relevant and valuable to participants.
  5. Orientation for Entry-Level Employment: IADMAP's primary focus is to help beginners orient themselves to enter the job market with confidence. The training equips them with practical skills sought after by employers in the digital media industry.
  6. Certificates as Testimonial: The certificates issued by IADMAP serve as tangible evidence of participation and completion of the training programs. These certificates can be utilized by participants as proof of their acquired skills and training when seeking employment opportunities. Distinguishing feature of IADMAP's courses and training programs is their adherence to Dual ISO certification standards for training processes and facilities. These certifications include:
    • ISO 9001:2015 for Training Processes: This certification ensures that IADMAP maintains a high standard of quality in its training processes. It involves systematic monitoring, evaluation, and continuous improvement of the training methodologies to ensure effectiveness and consistency in delivering educational content.
    • ISO 29993:2017 for Training Facility: This certification focuses on the quality management of the training facility itself. It assesses various aspects such as infrastructure, resources, learning environment, and the overall capability of the facility to provide an optimal learning experience to the participants.
What type of training programs are offered by IADMAP? How the certifications provided by IADMAP are valid?

The training programs offered by IADMAP encompass various non-formal and non-accredited courses that are designed to provide intensive skill training in digital media. We do not claim our certifications as per formal education system of university. Our courses or training programs are entirely separate and different from formal, university education system. These programs are structured to meet industry demands and are validated through multiple means:

  1. Non-formal, Intensive Skill Training: IADMAP's training programs are non-formal, focusing on practical skill development rather than offering accredited degrees or diplomas. These courses are structured to impart in-depth knowledge and hands-on experience in areas such as digital art, graphics design, audio-video editing, animation, and other aspects of digital media.
  2. Expert Trainers with Specialized Training: The training is facilitated by skilled IT trainers who have undergone comprehensive training-of-trainers programs. These trainers possess specialized knowledge in their respective fields within digital media, ensuring the delivery of high-quality and industry-relevant content.
  3. Curriculum Validation as per Industry Requirements: The syllabus and curriculum of IADMAP's training programs are meticulously designed to align with industry requirements and standards. This ensures that the skills taught are directly applicable and valuable within the current job market.
  4. Certifications Validated by ISO Standards: The certifications provided by IADMAP carry validity due to the robust system employed by IADMAP, which complies with international standards. The training processes are certified under ISO 9001:2015, ensuring that the methodologies and processes used for training adhere to established quality management principles. Additionally, the training facilities are certified under ISO 29993:2017, signifying that the physical infrastructure and learning environment meet prescribed quality benchmarks.
  5. Pre-provided training Information: IADMAP goes the extra mile by providing participants with detailed information upfront. Before the commencement of the training programs, IADMAP ensures transparency by handing over comprehensive training contents, course curriculum, and training schedules to the participants. This proactive approach enables individuals to review and assess the training content and structure beforehand. It allows them to align their expectations, understand the skills they'll acquire, and confirm that the program meets their skill development needs for their career or employment point of view.

Through this validation process, IADMAP ensures that its training programs are of high quality, industry-aligned, and equipped to meet the evolving demands of the digital media landscape. The certifications provided by IADMAP carry weight and validity due to the stringent adherence to international standards, ensuring that participants receive recognized and beneficial training.

Could the courses, training programs or certifications provided by IADMAP be alternative or replacement of university degree and diploma?

Absolutely, the courses, training programs, and certifications provided by IADMAP should not be regarded as alternatives or replacements for university degrees or diplomas.

The offerings by IADMAP serve a distinct purpose and cater to specific objectives within the digital media industry. They are tailored to provide practical skills, industry-specific knowledge, and hands-on experience to individuals aiming for entry-level positions or seeking to enhance their expertise in the field of digital media.

However, it's important to note that IADMAP's courses and certifications are not equivalent to formal university degrees or diplomas. They do not align with the traditional academic framework of accredited educational institutions. They are non-formal, non-accredited programs intended to equip participants with practical skills and certifications relevant to the digital media industry.

University degrees and diplomas follow a structured academic curriculum, often encompassing a broader range of subjects and adhering to accredited educational standards. These formal degrees and diplomas hold different significance and value within the academic and professional spheres.

Therefore, while IADMAP's offerings are valuable in terms of skill development and industry-specific training, they cannot replace the academic recognition and formal qualifications conferred by universities or educational boards. Both serve distinct purposes and hold relevance within their respective contexts, catering to different educational and career pathways.

How the certifications provided by IADMAP are authenticated and no other person can make counterfeit certificates of IADMAP?

The authentication and security measures regarding the certificates provided by IADMAP involve several safeguards to ensure their legitimacy and prevent counterfeiting:

  1. Compliance with ISO 9001:2015 Standards: The certification process at IADMAP aligns with ISO 9001:2015 standards, ensuring that the documentation and issuance of certificates follow established quality management protocols.
  2. Accountability and Authentication: Responsible accountability holders at IADMAP oversee the certification process. These individuals authenticate the certificates, ensuring that they are valid and legitimate.
  3. Temper-Proof Records: IADMAP maintains robust and tamper-proof records of certifications. This means that the integrity of the documentation is protected, and any attempt at tampering would be evident in the records.
  4. History of Authenticity: IADMAP has a track record of maintaining the authenticity of its certificates. There have been no reported incidents of tampering or the issuance of counterfeit certificates.
  5. Manual Verification Process: IADMAP offers a manual verification option for certificates issued by them. While this may involve a fee, it ensures a thorough authentication process. Certificates that are counterfeit would fail the verification process based on IADMAP's records.
  6. Verification Recommendations: IADMAP encourages program participants to rely on the enhancement of their skills and abilities gained through their courses and training programs as the primary testament of their training. The practical demonstration of skills acquired through the training is considered the true testimonial of IADMAP's effectiveness.

Despite these measures, IADMAP cannot entirely guarantee that external individuals won't attempt to counterfeit their certificates. However, the systems in place for authentication and verification make it highly unlikely that counterfeit certificates would pass the verification process based on IADMAP's records.

The emphasis is placed on the skills acquired and demonstrated by individuals through their training rather than solely relying on the certificates as the ultimate proof of expertise.

Is it possible to check authentication of IADMAP online? What are via Medias to check the authenticity of certificate provided by IADMAP?

IADMAP does not offer an online system for the verification of certificates or testimonials. However, there are plans in progress to implement a system that complies with ISO 27001 and ISO 27002 standards. This system would enable individuals to verify the authenticity of IADMAP certificates online in the future.

As of now, the authentication process for IADMAP certificates is conducted manually. Individuals who wish to verify the authenticity of a certificate issued by IADMAP can do so through a manual verification process. This verification process may involve a fee but ensures a thorough and reliable authentication procedure.

Although the current verification method is manual and involves a fee, the organization is working on developing an online authentication system that aligns with internationally recognized standards to enhance the verification process. This future system, once implemented, will likely offer a more convenient and efficient means of verifying the authenticity of IADMAP certificates.

Is it possible for a person to get skill certificate from IADMAP without undergoing a training program from IADMAP? What is way-out for people who already have skill, training or work experience but do not have any certificate? How IADMAP support in that case?

As per the current policy of IADMAP, certificates are issued exclusively to individuals who actively participate in the instructor-led training programs conducted within IADMAP approved training facilities. The organization emphasizes the importance of direct involvement in their training courses to obtain certification.

For individuals who already possess skills, training, or work experience but lack official certification, IADMAP offers an alternative pathway through association membership. These individuals can join IADMAP as members, leveraging their existing expertise and background. Depending on their profile and experience level, they can select a suitable membership category within the association.

However, it's important to note that IADMAP's certification process strictly applies to participants who engage in their structured training programs. Individuals who haven't participated in these programs won't receive certification solely based on their existing skills or experience.

In such cases, where individuals seek validation or recognition for their skills without participating in IADMAP's training programs, the association encourages them to explore membership options. While membership doesn't include certification, it allows professionals to be part of the IADMAP community, access resources, network with other members, and potentially explore avenues for further skill enhancement or collaboration within the field of digital media.

Does certificates offered by IADMAP are valid for immigration purposes?

The certificates offered by IADMAP are primarily aimed at acknowledging participation and completion of training programs within the field of digital media. However, whether these certificates are deemed valid for immigration purposes depends entirely on the policies and requirements set by the immigration authorities of the respective country or region.

As an organization focused on providing training rather than formal education, IADMAP does not have the authority to validate or determine the acceptance of its certificates for immigration purposes. Immigration authorities have specific criteria and guidelines for recognizing educational qualifications, certifications, or skills required for immigration or visa purposes.

Individuals seeking to use certificates from IADMAP for immigration should refer to the concerned immigration authorities or agencies responsible for evaluating qualifications and skills for immigration purposes. These authorities can provide accurate information regarding the acceptance and validity of certificates for immigration applications.

Does certificates offered by IADMAP are valid for government job purposes?

The validity or recognition of certificates issued by IADMAP for government job purposes depends entirely on the specific requirements and policies established by the respective government authorities responsible for employment and recruitment.

As an organization primarily focused on providing training in the field of digital media, IADMAP does not have the authority to determine whether its certificates meet the criteria for government job applications. The certificates offered by IADMAP signify completion of training programs within digital media but do not substitute formal education or guarantee eligibility for government job positions.

Individuals aspiring to apply for government jobs should refer to the concerned government employment authorities or agencies responsible for recruitment. These authorities can provide accurate information regarding the acceptance and validity of certifications or qualifications, including those obtained from training programs offered by IADMAP, for government job applications.

Does IADMAP have any affiliation with any university locally or globally?

No, As policy matter, IADMAP operates as an independent and autonomous organization without any affiliations to universities, whether locally or globally. It does not function as part of the formal education system or any university structure.

IADMAP's operations and training programs are designed independently, maintaining a distinct identity and approach to providing training in the field of digital media. The organization prioritizes maintaining its own standards of quality, credibility, and reputation in the delivery of training programs for the benefit of its participants, rather than aligning with any formal education or university system.

Training Program

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