Key Objectives
- To expand the community of artists and professionals in the area of graphics designing, digital art, audio video editing, digital animations and other allied fields to digital media.
- To develop an organised system and structure of training and development, professional practice, jobs, employments and retirement of artist and professionals in the field of digital art.
- To create awareness among students for the career by developing skills and abilities related to graphics designing, art and digital media. To make available scholarships and stipend for the meritorious students for the career based professional training programs related to digital art and computer graphics for non-formal, non-accredited system of training and development.
- To support universities, educational institutes and training institutes for developing and implementing curriculum, syllabus, training programs or courses to enable and empower the learner for skills and abilities valuable at marketplace for employment of self-employment.
- To discover and bring forward the best practices of this art and profession in the favour of stake holders and people involved in this field.
- To conduct training programs to train the people for relevant skills and abilities necessary to perform in this field.
- To bring forward the new trends and technologies to update the members to ensure that they are current and up to date.
- To provide a platform for continuous personal and professional growth training and development for the community of artists and professionals in the field of digital media and allied technologies.
- To encourage the members of association to participate in programs related to personal and profession development made available globally by globally leading organisations.
- To ensure commitment towards cooperation, collaboration, alignment and support among members to ensure that everyone has contentment and satisfaction in their career and life.
- To create an eco system and collaborative efforts of association which ensure every member and their families are powerful to deal with matters of interest and importance to them.
- To invite and source experts and resource persons from other fields too for the development of training programs and training material to fulfil the objectives of association.
- To conduct trade fairs, exhibitions, award ceremonies and other events for forwarding the objectives of association. To honour and award our members at national and international level.
- To signup MOU and collaborates with academic institutions and universities globally to share resources and create collaborative projects and programs for mutual benefits.
- To enhance our organizational structure, we will categories our members into distinct levels based on their participation, achievements, and experience. These levels include Student Membership, Associate Membership, Professional Membership, Corporate Membership, Affiliated Training Centre Membership, Fellow & Honorary Membership and Emeritus Membership.
- To have alignment of all members of organization with vision, mission, objectives, quality policy, quality objectives, quality principles, code of professional ethics and the key performance indicators.